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What Are the Top 10 Web Design Mistakes to Avoid?

By Megan Dennis (

Thankfully, we have stepped into the era where everything has developed to the full awakening of creativity and skill excellence. Right now, we have a sea of numerous websites, holding a competitive edge towards each other.  Now that we are halfway through to 2019 and on the verge of entering 2020, it will be ironic if we deny the development of the websites and internet options that we have around us. With the vast database, Artificial intelligence, share base technology, gadgets, and advanced internet trends, we have come a long way to the state where we could not have imagined those 90 remote and pervert websites. Today, we can only have a good laugh, when or if we come across such ancient web pages. In 2019 your website can influence your business at large. The world has digitalized completely, and for this very reason, good web design is a severe matter unless someone wants to become a laughing stock for the visitors.

There are several times that we visit a website, and an ill-planned web design puts us off. Here is a list of 10 mistakes that top above all website blunders that I have ever come across, and it completely drove me away to something that is up to the standards.

1. Overly literal search engines

Search engines are essential for any website. It is indeed to facilitate the visitors, by the ease of navigation to the correct page or information required. Young or old, anyone can face the typing issues due to the skills or the hurry to land on the exact page. It is just nerve-wracking when the search engines do not prompt with the correct spelling or auto handling of typos, plurals, hyphens and other variants of the text typed in the search engines. Another problem is that when search engines prioritize the results based on how many words they contain. The time that visitors spend on your website depends on the successful navigation, and it is dependent on proper search options.

2. PDF files

If there is one thing which can cause the reader to get distracted from reading is an interruption. When people visit your website, they would want to read what pulls their interest. If the user likes your content, he or she will be involved in it, unless there is a redirection text file that might make them drift away from your website. Similarly, if a PDF file comes in between the text, the user will not be ready to add on extra tabs on its personal computer. Of course, it is just like breaking into two people’s conversation and interrupting the flow of their talk. It is better to avoid adding a PDF file in between so that the users are more involved. A PDF file will quickly be converted through designrr signup, into the webpage text that will be displayed on for the visitors as they land up on your page. PDF files contain small fonts which can disturb the reader as he will constantly be switching from a bigger font (on your webpage) to a smaller font (on the PDF file).

3. The websites not mobile-friendly

In the modern world, the usage of mobile phones is way higher than the usage of laptops or desktop computers. It is essential for web page creators to make sure that their website is compatible on a mobile phone. Mobile phones are more compact than a laptop, so people carry a cellular phone more than a computer. If your site is not mobile phone user-friendly, it will have fewer visitors. A computer takes a while to boot up; that’s why people do not prefer it over a mobile phone. According to Internet Trends Report, people spend 3.3 hours a day engaged with digital media on their mobile phones. 48% of web page users say that if a site does not work on their mobile phone, it makes them feel like the company or the creator does not care about them. Hence it is crucial for a webpage to be compatible on a mobile phone so that the creator can become more successful and the users do not have a problem in finding what they are looking for.

4. Long scrolling pages

Usually, when people are looking for something, most of them are in a rush. That is why they want their answers quickly and do not want their time to be wasted. Due to this, people always read what’s in front of them and do not want to scroll down to look further for their answer. Only 10% of users scroll beyond the information that is visible on the screen. How about putting some spice and icing on the top, to maintain the visitor interest and inquisitiveness to go on further scrolling down. It is essential for the creator to put the most important links and information at the top so that the visitors do not navigate away from the website.

5. Animated texts

Any element on a website that changes perpetually is no less than eye torture. Gone are the days when moving text was appreciated. Scrolling text, blinking words, animated images in the gif form, does not give a properly designed website. These animations could only be useful in helping hypnotism on some individual or give you a feeling of standing inside a Casino. Blinking objects or text is simply an evil act of torturing visitors.

You may avoid the following unless you do have evil intentions for or your website visitors:

  • Flashing pictures or object blindness.
  • Distortion and torture of Animated text
  • Mini pop-ups to wobble one’s senses

6. Outdated Information

You cannot offer visitors information about the Jurassic age when they are here to find out about the Star Wars era. Obsolete information is the greatest put-off, for the people who are looking up together updated information. To maintain credibility, it is imperative to provide the latest info on the real topic. Website creators should be watchful in maintaining the website, along with creating new content.

7. Auto opening of new windows

Automated opening of unwanted new windows is just like a shopkeeper showing dresses that are not required by the customer, and piling one on top of the other customer need an electric iron. It is better not to pollute the visitor’s screen with several unwanted pop-up windows. It could be a major turnoff for the returning visitors (who might be) in the future.

8. Not changing the colour of visited links

If you keep track of what you have done before, it will be easier for you to continue with your journey and decide where to go next. When a user visits a link, the user can exclude that link, so the user does not go back to that webpage again. Conversely, the user can also indicate that if he wants to revisit the webpage, it will become easier to figure out which webpage it was. Hence it is vital if the webpage link changes colours after a user visits it. It can prevent the user from visiting the same web page unintentionally again and again.

9. More than 3 seconds of loading time

It is the most popular issue which many people already know about, and it goes through every time. Research says that when users open a web page, they lose interest after 3 seconds of loading duration. It is essential for the web page creators to consider the utmost efficiency in loading times of the website. It should not be more than 3 seconds because users lose their interest after 3 seconds. It can result in a downfall for the webpage creator, being a significant repellent to visitors spending time.

10. Cluttered page

Gone are the days when designers used to clutter all the information into one page. It is incredible how the Space Jam website is still working, initially designed in the ’90s. It is a dilemma to look at it for more than 5 seconds and not have a migraine with the beautiful rays emitting out rays off so many stars making one dizzy in the head. Salutations to those who managed to stay and look up to the information, developed by web designers who were deprived of sense and creativity.

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