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5 Ways to Build Trust With Site Visitors

By The Web Designer

Congratulations! You have a shiny new website, that looks good, works well, and has passed all the parameters of a successful, functioning website. But, is that still enough? Is your website keeping up in maintaining a working relationship with its visitors, adding value to them and having them return consistently?

If your answer is no to these questions, then keep reading. We have outlined 5 different ways by which you can build a trustworthy website that not just generates revenue for you, but also adds value to your leads.

1. Website Security

We cannot enough stress the importance of ensuring that your website is secured. Not only does that help in keeping your website safe from online cyber attacks, hackers, and malware but it also generates a sense of trust with your website visitors, and they don’t feel vulnerable while engaging with your website.

Now, the bigger question is how do we keep our websites safe from online threats? Here are a few simple tips you can follow:

  • Ensure your website is HTTPS secured
  • Keep your plugins and themes updated
  • Regularly update your passwords
  • Run your website on a well-known and trustworthy hosting company
  • Test your website with website security tools from time to time using a genuine tool
  • Backup all the files and database of your website

2. Focus on Value Addition

We get it, a website’s ultimate goal is to generate revenue for its owner, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of losing more sales than making any. If your website looks more like a sales pitch rather than an educational resource, the visitors are more likely to drop and never come back. Focus more on how you can add some value to your site visitors, and they will organically engage more with your website. Here’s how to do that:

  • Create free resources, cheatsheets, lists, articles for your audience
  • Do not create content with complex or confusing terminology rather focus on simplifying concepts
  • Avoid industry jargon as much as you can, nobody likes to be felt dumb!
  • Put out original and genuine content only, check your facts before publishing any article
  • Create fun and engaging content

3. Display Reviews and Testimonials

Don’t shy away, when it’s time to show off! When you receive a few words of appreciation, let the world see it. Genuine reviews and testimonials from your existing clients is a great way to build trust with your leads. It gives the much needed reinforcement that they’re investing their time and money into something worthwhile. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Display the testimonials in the form of a carousal on your home page
  • Embed video reviews and testimonials from your clients on the sale page
  • Integrate Google Reviews to your website
  • Request your clients to leave their valuable feedback and feature them on your website
  • Share success stories at regular intervals

If you don’t have reviews, and just starting out, start by creating portfolios and accept comments on your blog posts.

4. Introduce your Team Members

Don’t shy away, when it’s time to show off! When you receive a few words of appreciation, let the world see it. Genuine reviews and testimonials from your existing clients is a great way to build trust with your leads. It gives the much needed reinforcement that they’re investing their time and money into something worthwhile. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Create a “Meet the Team” page on your website and mention each of your team member’s name, designation, and a little about them
  • If you have a very large team, you could mention just the top contributors of the team
  • Share pictures from your office, and let your audience have a glimpse inside your workspace in order to establish a connect
  • Use the actual pictures of your team members whenever you can, like crediting them for writing a blog for eg

5. Link Social Media Account

If your business does not have a social media presence, then you’re probably still living under a rock. While it may not be necessary for every business to have a presence on all social media platforms, but being present and active on a couple of social media handles is quite important. It can even act as a source of lead generation.

When your website is connected with your social media accounts, and clients see the same brand value on both the platforms, they’re far likely to engage with you as they have already built trust with your social media profile.

Over to you

With the increasing number of online scams, the audience are getting weary of trusting any website. We understand that if you’re just starting out, gaining trust from site visitors maybe difficult but it can be achieved. Follow these few simple steps and build a loyal audience for your business.

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