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Web Design in 2021 – What to Expect

By David Watson, Design Drizzle

2020 has been quite a year. Apart from the pandemic affecting our personal lives, a lot has also been happening in the online world. Web designs have been changing and so have user experiences. And as we usher in the year 2021, we expect to see more developments and new features.

So, what can we expect in web design in 2021?

A lot will be changing, and more features will also be developed. But one thing that’s for sure is that our experiences on most websites will also improve for the better.

The Parallax Effect

Over the years, many web designs have come and gone. But one design that has stood the test of time, and is still expected to reign in 2021, is the parallax animation. Since 2011, parallax animation has been delivering interactive and transitional effects across websites.

The design that slows the background in a fast-paced foreground is expected to continue offering a thrilling experience in 2021. The creativity of the animation will continue transforming, with more color mix taking center stage. In the coming year, the parallax effect’s new developments will include accessibility and sustainability for people with disabilities.


The effectiveness of a website is measured by how accessible it is by people of different abilities. Designing a website that is usable by people with disabilities is a trend that is expected to continue growing in 2021.

Web design firms are expected to be cautious with visuals elements. Elements such as images, contrasting colors, and fonts are expected to receive more attention in the coming year. Large fonts and ALT texts will also be a big part of the website design strategy.

For example, web designs that include images in their website will be expected to have matching ALT texts and graphics. This is to make sure that people with sight issues get accurate information on the websites they visit.

Dark Mode

Since the introduction of dark mode in web designs, both the users and developers have made it a trending concept in web design. It could be for the simple reason that the color is cool, modern, and stylish or that the background color is comfortable to the users’ eyes. But whatever the reason, it’s a fact that the dark mode makes a web design pop.

It’s no wonder that web designers have been using the white color on a black background for coding for a while. In 2021, we expect to see the artistic side of dark mode. There’ll be the rearranging of elements, minimalism, and a mix of other colors to give the dark mode a more sophisticated look.

Web Design for Causes

COVID-19 has changed how we interact. While face-to-face support was standard practice in the past, situations have changed, and the focus has now shifted to the internet. As the pandemic continues to rage, it’s expected that more brands will offer socially conscious support through online platforms.

Because of the change in operations, charitable causes and community programs will be a significant consideration in web designs. In 2021, we expect to see a rise in web design firms offering sustainability to needy causes through interactive designs. A call-to-action button that asks people to donate or support a cause will also be more common in web designs.

Cartoon Illustrations

Web design has been evolving over the years. Unlike in the past, where texts and real-life images formed significant parts of a design, it’s now more common to see cartoon illustrations. Cartoons are transforming how people engage on websites and will continue doing so even in the coming year.

Luckily, many platforms offer custom-made cartoon characters. From the custom images, anyone can design fun and captivating illustrations for a website. In the coming year, we look forward to having more personality and creativity in the cartoon illustrations.

Audio as a Design Element

People have different ways they’d like to consume content. While some prefer reading texts, others prefer getting the information as audio. Since giving people a choice is necessary for engagements, it’s just right that you include audios in your web designs.

In 2021, a lot of web design firms will put more emphasis on audio developments. The audio features will focus more on improving interactions by factoring the visually impaired individuals. It’s expected that the audios will also play a significant role in repurposing the delivery strategy of long texts that are difficult to read.


One great thing about videos is that you can use them to deliver complex topics in easy-to-understand words. Another most important aspect is how the sharing of videos has brought about brands’ growth through the viral concept. With so many businesses requiring videos for visual communication, the tools have now become a big part of web designs.

In the coming year, we expect the introduction of extra design elements in videos. The use of videos in places of images to enhance storytelling is also expected to rise. A point to note in all the developments is that for videos to do well in web design, they must be created and used in the right manner.

No Code

The no-code option does not mean that we entirely wipe out the use of codes in web designs. It merely means that web developers should design templates that require little to no technical experience to customize.

Luckily, this trend has been going on in the recent past and is only expected to grow in 2021. It’s a great collaboration exercise expected to see users, web developers, and businesses empower each other to design better websites.

Web Design for Physical Products

The growth in online businesses is leading to a greater need for appealing web designs. With more physical products being displayed on websites, web designers must get creative in displaying the items in limited spaces.

The design we are expecting to see in 2021 is the use of shapes, grids, and color to create an appealing look. Web design for physical products will also involve lots of testing to see what works.

The power of digital interpretation will also come into play. Developers will be expected to create a visual synergy that connects the audience to the physical products. In 2021, we expect to see more product inspiring designs that fulfill the expectations of website visitors.


There is so much to look forward to in 2021. It feels like there’s so much to learn, and we can’t wait to experience the new developments. Regardless of your industry, keep your focus locked on the upcoming trends in the coming year.

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